Your Soul Is A Sage. It will never lead you astray.

Hello, I'm Zani Yve.
I'm an Intuitive Soul Coach, Body/Mind Therapist, and channeler.
I've been doing Intuitive Readings and Soul Coaching since 2001 and I specialize in coaching introverts, creatives, and sensitive souls. I’m also a singer/songwriter/performer, voice teacher, and sojourner.

Though I've been highly sensitive to energies from a young age, I began connecting with my intuition more deliberately in 1999 under the tutelage of several teachers and mentors. Their collective wisdom was rooted in various spiritual paths and practices including Earth-based spirituality, esoteric teachings, Bhakti Yoga, mantras, and meditation. Their knowledge and training set me on a path of self-discovery and eclectic spirituality.

My gifts from Spirit include clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, and channeling. I use these gifts to assist others in aligning with their highest truth, enabling them to live life
with more clarity and purpose.
My Soul Coaching, intuitive readings, and channeling are heart-centered and grounded in practicality.
I work intuitively by tuning in to my client's energy, facilitating a deeply transformative experience.

What is Intuitive Soul Coaching?

Intuitive Soul Coaching is a holistic approach that recognizes the innate wisdom and intuition within both the coach and the client. It goes beyond traditional coaching methods by tapping into the intuitive realm, allowing the coach to access deeper insights and guidance.
Intuitive Soul Coaching is based on the principle that everything, even matter, is made of energy.
Energy vibrates at various frequencies, and things that are a vibrational match
tend to attract one another.

All the thoughts and emotions that pass through your mind and body have an energetic signature. Together, they compose your energetic frequency.
This means that consciously or subconsciously, what comes into your life is a
match for your vibrational frequency.
Unlike traditional life coaching, Intuitive Soul Coaching works with your personal energetic frequency, emphasizing emotional healing and subconscious reprogramming as a way to attract harmony, balance, prosperity, and well-being.

It brings me a lot of joy and a sense of purpose to facilitate deep personal change for my clients.
If you are curious about Soul Coaching, you can request a FREE 20-minute discovery call with no obligation to find out if Soul Coaching is right for you.

Or schedule an appointment.

I'd love to hear from you.

Let's connect on social media.

Or, get in touch

I offer online classes and workshops on developing intuition, as well as
eclectic spiritual retreats and journeys of self-discovery.
Click the link below for more information.

© Zani Yve. All rights reserved.